Duferco succesfully closes eur 105 million revolving credit facility

Duferco succesfully closes eur 105 million revolving credit facility

Duferco Participations Holding SA (“Duferco”) is pleased to announce the successful closing of a EUR 105 million Revolving Credit Facility (the “Facility”) in favour of its subsidiary DXT Commodities SA (“DXT”). DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank,...

Vittoria Gozzi joined the conference Accelerazione digitale

Vittoria Gozzi joined the conference Accelerazione digitale

Vittoria Gozzi joined the panel of the conference Digital Acceleration: human, business and sustainability organized by siderweb, SAP Italia e Regesta. In the webinar led by Lucio Dall’Angelo, some of the steel industry key players debated the themes of innovation and...